The Desert Highland Gateway Estates Neighborhood is comprised of 480 Households approximately, over 40 Businesses, 4 Churches, an 18 Acre City Park and Adjoining Community Center
Organized in October of 1967 as the Gateway Community Association
City of Palm Springs
J. O. J. Desert Highland Unity Center
480 W Tramview Rd. Palm Springs, CA.
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm
Borrego Health Weekly Mobile Clinic
J. O. J. Desert Highland Unity Center
480 W Tramview Rd. Palm Springs, CA.
Wednesdays 9:00am - 4:00pm
FIND Food Bank Mobile Distribution
J. O. J. Desert Highland Unity Center
480 W Tramview Rd. Palm Springs, CA.
2nd Thursday 4:00pm - 6:00pm
4th Thursday 4:00pm - 6:00pm
The Purpose shall be to provide a vehicle for addressing the concerns of the community. The areas of concern include, but are not limited to law enforcement, schools, safety, code enforcement, as well as other neighborhood impacts. The Association shall serve as a base for communication within the community and with The City of Palm Springs.
The second Tuesday of the Month of each month except July, August and December 7:00pm J.O.J. Desert Highland unity Center
Desert Highland Gateway Estates Community Action Association is the oldest Neighborhood Associations in
Palm Springs.
We are a committee that aspires to provide a better quality of life for its community members.
The committee will act as a mechanism for open communication, participation, and collaboration between community members and the City of Palm Springs.
The committee will work to improve the physical character of the neighborhood, as well as encourage new development in the community.
The Desert Highland Gateway Estates Community Action Association hopes to see a community that is one day beautiful, safe, clean, and stronger.
The Committee recognizes that advancing the Health and Wellness in the Community is a long-term obligation that requires sustained commitment.
All Future Impacts embraced by the Committee require collaboration among
private, public, and non-profit partners.
Sign up to receive the Desert Highland Gateway Estates Monthly Newsletter
2-3hrs. $125 per person
Beginning on the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation Section 14. This tour will introduce you to Black pioneers of our city. See the works of renowned architect Paul R. Williams. Learn about land developer Lawrence Crossley. Tour concludes at Desert Highland Gateway Estates - Palm Springs’ largest predominantly Black Neighborhood