Palm Springs City Council Approves $5.9M Reparations Settlement for Families Forcibly Evicted In 1950's & 1960's
Palm Springs City Council Approves $5.9M Reparations Settlement for Families Forcibly Evicted In 1950's & 1960's
Photographs courtesy of Julius Shulman J. Paul Getty Trust. Getty Research Institute, Los Angeles (2004.R.10), The Paul R. Williams Project, Alfonso Murray, Noé Montes, Palm Springs Historical Society, Palm Springs Life, The Desert Sun, Lance Gerber, Section 14 Survivors, Desert X, Kounkuey Initiative Palm Springs Post
2-3hrs. $125 per person
Beginning on the Agua Caliente Indian Reservation Section 14. This tour will introduce you to Black pioneers of our city. See the works of renowned architect Paul R. Williams. Learn about land developer Lawrence Crossley. Tour concludes at Desert Highland Gateway Estates - Palm Springs’ largest predominantly Black Neighborhood